Monday, October 15, 2012

Talking Tuesday

Hey everyone! I want to start a talking Tuesday. Basically what I will do is just talk (or in this case- type). There will be no pictures or anything but hopefully that's okay. So here we go!

I am so exited today. I found an amazing nail polish deal. I'm not talking polishes like Wet n Wild ( not that anything is wrong with these, I have tons) but OPI which are usually out of my price range because I don't have a job.

I started off the day by going to a little hair salon in the mall to look at their clearance OPI polishes. The thing was they actually had all of their OPI polishes for buy one get two free. They didn't have much of a selection because it was nearing the end of the week so I only left with three( THREE GORGEOUS COLORS). The ones I picked out were: Just Spotted the Lizard, Number One Nemesis, and Pink Friday. I was so excited that I want to go back this weekend.